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GREEN國際教育集團已超過20年以上的教育服務經驗,每年將服務近1,000位學員。(含台灣、中國、越南的台商子弟) 從海外外語的學習、遊學團、高中交換學生及大學的申請諮詢服務,學員所學到的專業技術及英語能力,都遠超過申請入學及工作需求的條件。
每位學員從第一步的諮詢服務至最後階段抵達上課國家,都能深深感受GREEN盡善盡美的服務品質。 GREEN將持續不斷提升我們的服務品質,竭誠歡迎您的寶貴意見,協助我們能提供最好的服務。
特優業者: 2006- 2013年教育部評鑑符合百分之百海外遊(留)學契約查核要項
GREEN International has more than 20 years of service experiences in the field of language training, study tour, high school exchange and university application. Every year, GREEN International helps over 1,000 students from Taiwan, China and Vietnam fulfill their ambitions. From English training to study tour groups, high school and university students who join our study tours gain the professional skills and experiences needed from academic success beyond. GREEN strives for continuous improved in the quality of the service we offer. We welcome your feedback to help us provide best service possible for our current and future clients.
Tell us if we have exceeded your expectations.
Tell us if how we can improve your learning experiences.
每位學員從第一步的諮詢服務至最後階段抵達上課國家,都能深深感受GREEN盡善盡美的服務品質。 GREEN將持續不斷提升我們的服務品質,竭誠歡迎您的寶貴意見,協助我們能提供最好的服務。
特優業者: 2006- 2013年教育部評鑑符合百分之百海外遊(留)學契約查核要項
GREEN International has more than 20 years of service experiences in the field of language training, study tour, high school exchange and university application. Every year, GREEN International helps over 1,000 students from Taiwan, China and Vietnam fulfill their ambitions. From English training to study tour groups, high school and university students who join our study tours gain the professional skills and experiences needed from academic success beyond. GREEN strives for continuous improved in the quality of the service we offer. We welcome your feedback to help us provide best service possible for our current and future clients.
Tell us if we have exceeded your expectations.
Tell us if how we can improve your learning experiences.
Short or Mid-term Language Study
International School Year or Semester
On-the-job Training Programs
Summer & Winter Study Groups
Individual Travel Study
Working Holiday
Exchange Study Program with Global High Schools